Making Disciples with the Bible in Hand
How do we make disciples using the Bible at various stages of faith? How can we train others to use the Bible in their discipleship ministries? This short course gives you a blueprint do to just that. Walking through several stages of faith recommendations for theological and biblical content, Taylor equips you to make disciples and train others to do the same.
Session 1: Making Disciples of Those Yet to Believe
You and I, as followers of Jesus, are called to make disciples. And that begins with those who are yet to believe. So in this session we discuss content and methods for walking alongside our seeker friends.
You and I, as followers of Jesus, are called to make disciples. And that begins with those who are yet to believe. So in this session we discuss content and methods for walking alongside our seeker friends.
Session 2: Making Disciples with Learners and Growers
Someone comes to faith, what do we teach them first? What resources can we use? Where do be begin in the Bible? What about after they’ve walked with the Lord for a while, but are growing with questions? Taylor offers suggestions and tools to support your ministry and to train others.
Someone comes to faith, what do we teach them first? What resources can we use? Where do be begin in the Bible? What about after they’ve walked with the Lord for a while, but are growing with questions? Taylor offers suggestions and tools to support your ministry and to train others.
Session 3: Making Disciples with Multipliers and Those who are Wrestling
How do we further equip those who are using their gifts with maturity? What holes in theology do we look for, what structure can we use to serve them? How can we walk alongside those who are enduring great suffering? Taylor discusses two other stages of life and how we can serve, love, and support them.
How do we further equip those who are using their gifts with maturity? What holes in theology do we look for, what structure can we use to serve them? How can we walk alongside those who are enduring great suffering? Taylor discusses two other stages of life and how we can serve, love, and support them.
Session 4: The Practicals of Discipleship
What does it look like to implement disciple making? Taylor ends our short course with some details about what this looks like in real life and in our hearts.
What does it look like to implement disciple making? Taylor ends our short course with some details about what this looks like in real life and in our hearts.
Looking for the Leader Guide?
This complementary leader guide is designed to help you take a group through this course content, build on it together, and apply it to ministry.
We ask that each member of the group purchase their own access to this course. We specifically offer this high level content at a low price so that as many people as possible can receive this training.