Prep your teaching team
You’ve picked the text. We’ll help you get ready to teach it with team discussions about context, doctrine, and how to pass the baton each week.
1 Samuel, 1 Peter, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Colossians, Titus, John
You know what book your team is going to teach through, but now the questions come. How will you divide it? What’s the plan? What are the literary devices happening here? How do you change your message structure to better match this genre? How can you work as a team to keep the tension and pass the baton through the entire series? We’ve talked about these questions in each of these books and more.
We offer conversations to meet with your team twice on zoom to equip them to teach well. That’s our goal after all—helping you serve through your teaching.
Makeup of the Book
The structure of the book is going to tell you how to divide it among your team, and how to make your strategic plan of message main points. The journey through it also helps you consider how to guide your hearers from one end to the other. From Habakkuk’s theodicy to Paul’s call to sound doctrine, we want to consider how to lead through an entire series.
Interpretational Keys
Each book has details that helps unlock the truth being communicated. Whether it be historical context, unique literary techniques, or intertextual references, once these are pointed out, we become better interpreters and better teachers.
Homiletical Insights
We’ll talk about how to communicate the points the author is making in the biblical book. How do we word it? How do we bring the truth “all the way to the ground” in application? What needs light shone on it with illustrations and slowed explanation? It doesn’t matter if we can interpret it if we cannot communicate it clearly and with relevance.
What Others Have Said
Taylor's investment in our teaching team was such a gift! Our entire team gained a deeper understanding of the Scriptures and greater clarity on how to preach and pastor our people through the book of Habakkuk. If you're looking for a practical way to equip your team to teach the scriptures more effectively, I highly recommend inviting Taylor to join your next teaching team meeting.
A Jesus Church Teaching Team