Our Vision
Women who follow Jesus, whether you are just learning to read the Bible or have attended seminary, we have designed content to serve you in your next steps of studying and teaching the Word. It is our heart that you would feel humbly “equipped for every good work” to speak the truth of the Scriptures to others with competence and joy.
Bible Teachers, we have community and further equipping for you in cohorts and coaching.
Pastors, we have conversations about leading, opportunities for equipping teams, and church events to train women at multiple levels of biblical literacy gathered in your city.
Team leaders, we’re ready to help your team take the next steps in cohorts or tailored prep.
We are a team who serves women with the hope they will love God and his Word and that they will be empowered to study, disciple, teach, and equip others.
What We Value
The Foundation of Healthy Bible Interpretation
Let’s read the Bible asking good questions to interpret the text well in light of its context with the big story in mind. Let’s study biblical theology—the Bible from beginning to end—and see the progression of biblical themes and God’s redemptive plan. Let’s disciple and teach others not from ideas we contrive but from the Bible, giving away all we have learned from it.
The Bible and Our Ministries Centered on Christ
Let’s see how the entire Bible points to a gracious, redemptive God and ultimately to the work of Christ. Let’s show how every passage is interpreted and applied in light of his great grace. Then, let’s teach as if Christ is the greatest and we are unworthy, loved servants who delight to sit in the truth with others.
Women as Co-Laborers in God’s Mission
Let’s encourage women to speak the truth of the Scriptures to those around them. Let’s serve women who have never read the Bible before, and let’s make sure women who have been teaching for a decade with master’s degrees are supported and edified. Let’s remind that we can read theology and love the Bible.
The Local Church and Serving Where the Church Needs
Let’s equip women in partnership with local churches so women know where to continue, belong, follow, and serve. Let’s train so that none of us think the goal is to stand on a stage to teach the Bible but rather so all of us teach in the small, unnoticed opportunities that make up serving the Church. Let’s celebrate teaching the one person in our living room, the small study, and the gaggle of children as beautiful kingdom work from which we don’t graduate.
You’ll hear us talk about biblical literacy, biblical theology, gospel-centeredness, servant-heartedness, serving with the Bible, and the local church a lot. We think they’re crucial.
May God’s Word flow out of us as disciple-makers, parents, friends, teachers, and women who want the gospel to be known. We pray in this that Christ’s church would be strengthened and that he would be pleased, praised, and glorified.
“My lips will pour forth praise,
for you teach me your statutes.
My tongue will sing of your word,
for all your commandments are right.”
Psalm 119:171-172
Who We Are
Our teaching team is made up of women Bible teachers who have known each other and partnered together for many years. During the craziness that is 2020, BibleEquipping was formed to facilitate the work of training women in the Bible, primarily in partnership with local churches for events, consulting, and Bible teacher cohorts.
BibleEquipping is directed by Taylor Turkington and supported by a team of wise kingdom-minded servants. Taylor launched BibleEquipping to continue the work she had been doing for more than a decade training women to study and teach the Bible, and to do it with people she loved.
Previously, Taylor launched and directed the Women’s Training Network for The Gospel Coalition and co-founded The Verity Fellowship for Western Seminary. Read more about Taylor
What we Believe
I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary. Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried; He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost. I believe a holy catholic church; the communion of saints. The forgiveness of sins. The resurrection of the body. And the life everlasting. Amen. - The Apostles Creed
For more detailed questions about our beliefs, please feel free to contact us.