Printable Resources

Welcome to our growing library of complementary downloadable resources.

Study Tools

  • COMA Study Tool

    When we discover a texts’ Context, Observation, Meaning, and Application, we can understand and/or teach it faithfully.

  • Advent Reading Plan: Mary's Song

    Advent Reading Plan: Mary's Song

    Mary’s Song is evidence that her mind and soul were deeply steeped in Hebrew Scripture. Follow this four week Reading Plan to dwell on her song and the Old Testament passages it reflects.

  • Zephaniah Bible Study

    This four-week Bible Study will give you the guidance and tools you need to dive into this often-overlooked book. Zephaniah is filled with vivid imagery describing God’s commitment to justice and love. This study is suitable for individual and group use. For additional supplementation, you may find short videos in this folder.

The Liturgies: Timely Prayers

  • The Liturgies Series: The Welcome

    A verse and prayer to accompany you as you begin your personal study time—especially when you feel depleted and focusing is a challenge.

  • The Liturgies Series: Long Line of Witnesses

    Designed to be read at the beginning of group Bible Study, this prayer helps us remember our place in the story of faith and the value of gathering together.

  • The Liturgies Series: We Gather to Study

    As you begin Small Group time or lead a Breakout Group table at your Bible Study, this liturgy invites your group to focus on the beauty and purpose of your gathering.

Short Course Leader Guides

  • The Fundamentals of Teaching the Bible

    There are principles that, like pillars, hold up everything else we do as Bible teachers. Let’s consider our beliefs that set us up to serve well for the glory of God.

    With this complementary Leader’s Guide you’ll be able to intentionally guide your group through each session, encouraging your group to take what they’ve learned back to their teaching prep. 

  • The Elements of Old Testament Narrative

    How do we read and teach narratives in the Bible well? There are key question we should be asking, and one is not “what’s the moral of the story.” Let’s talk about the key elements of narratives.

    With this guide you can help your group apply all they have learned as they study the text and prepare teachings.

  • The Elements of Prophetic Literature

    How do we read the prophets well? These texts are crucial for Christians to understand and so relevant for today. Yet, the texts can feel obtuse. Let’s dig into the elements of prophetic literature to support our healthy interpretation and teaching in context.

    With this guide your group will process and practice the methods taught in the course.

  • Equip Everyone to Study: How to Teach Bible Study to Different Literacy Levels

    How do you train people to study the Bible? What process do you use for those new to the Bible? What about for veterans or Bible teachers looking to grow? This course provides a blueprint for equipping at each level.

    Dig deeper by taking the principles and practical wisdom taught in this course and leading your group through the questions in this guide.

  • Making Disciples with the Bible in Hand

    How do we make disciples using the Bible? How do we meet people where they are at? Walking through several stages of faith with theological and biblical content, Taylor equips you to make disciples and train others to do the same. 

    With this leader guide, your group will have the tools to implement these insights no matter what form their ministry may take.

For more free resources and handouts, see our Training Articles.