Well Equipped Training Articles
BibleEquipping is all about instruction on Bible interpretation. Our newsletter, Well Equipped, goes out every other month with a practical and accessible training. We post them here for you to reference. You can find worksheets to practice the skills you learn at the bottom of each article.
Covenants: The Backbone of the Bible
We don’t talk a lot about covenants today. But we should. They’re one of the most important themes in the Bible because they act as the skeletons upon which the entire redemptive story is built. They’re like the backbone of the Bible. From Genesis on, God enters into one formal relationship after another (i.e., covenants) with various humans in order to rescue his world. These divine-human relationships push that narrative forward until it reaches its climax in Jesus. Thus, to tell the story of God redeeming his people through Jesus is to tell the story of God’s covenantal relationship with his people.
Pretty important, right?